There are two words which we value here; you and want. We are so committed to these words that our mantra is “Throw when YOU WANT, how long YOU WANT and with who YOU WANT“.
Here are are few ways we differ from our competition. You are not …
sharing a lane with strangers
forced to fill a lane up to a gazillion people
required to book longer than an hour
turned away if you are late for your schedule time
use construction hatchets/axes in lanes built using inexpensive building material
purchase our drinks & food (we are BYOB and BYOF)

We first will confirm that everyone whom is with you has signed the waiver either online or at one of our kiosks around the front desk. Next one of our friendly staff members will take you to your lane(s) and spend around 2 minutes going over the throwing basics such as safety, procedures and techniques.
The same staff will be floating around the floor to help assist you with any questions and will be replacing any wooden boards that have seen better days.
In each lane there is a white board/pen to keep score, a count down clock so you know how much time you have left having fun and a list of games you can play if getting a bull’s eye becomes boring (wink, wink).

Great news, you are not throwing hatchets & axes at a barn!
The only 3 abilities you need to bring with you are:
See 12 feet in front of you
The strength to lift at shoulder height 2.5 lbs (half as heavy and less dangerous as a Chihuahua)
Not be annoyed or startled by the periodically THWAK sound
We do ask that you know your blood type; better safe than sorry is our motto!

We have noticed that heckling, rated PG13 of course, brings extra spice to the experience.
May we suggest the following phrases to start with:
“Kiss my axe.”
“So that hatchet job you handed in at work was you practicing for here.”
“I’m going to kick your axe.”
“I see you brought your battle axe with you, how are you fill-in name?”
“I’m willing to bury the hatchet if you are the target.”