We don’t want you to THROW with ANYONEelse, so we treat you better than EVERYONE else!
Give a gift that you want the person to throw away.
While you're at it, grab one for yourself.
No fuss, no mess, just need an email address ...
... and you're welcome !
Yes we areBYOB & BYOF!
You are more than welcome to bring your own bottle, booze or beer. We just ask that you come tothrowand drink, not come to drink and throw. Please nothing hard; throwing straight is already hard enough.
You know what goes good with alcohol? Yup good food, just bring enough to share.
Round up your favorite people and show off your skills at our next
bragging rights
axe-tastic event.
Throwing skills?
Sense of fun?
Hit that countdown and see what we've got in store for you or peek at our other awesome events.